I don't believe the segfault bug is limited to the CompletionEngine
destructor. I ran a quick test by commenting out the entire destructor, and
it didn't help (remember I also ran into the problem when I tried creating a
CodeDom). I did, however, notice that it adds some log messages via
Utils.trace; how do I check the log? It looks like it just passes it along
to GLib.logv(), but I don't know where this method sends the information.

On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 1:09 AM, Andrea Del Signore <seje...@tin.it> wrote:

> Hi
> On Tue, 2011-08-30 at 09:29 -0700, Damien Radtke wrote:
> >
> > This program ends with ** Message: symbolresolver.vala:54: file
> > program.vala - can't resolve using directive: Afrodite. I'm assuming
> > this means that I would have to add libafrodite-0.12.vapi to the
> > engine manually, but it's installed in the right place, so I shouldn't
> > have to.
> No you have to add the vapi to the engine. Afrodite just parse and build
> the codedom it doesn't know anything about the project structure.
> In vala-toys another library, vbf (vala build framework), is used to
> parse the project structure.
> Anyway when you have the vapi file name, you can use the
> Afrodite.Utils.get_package_paths to get real full path and the vapi
> dependecies.
> >
> > If I comment out everything between the creation of the engine and
> > "return 0", then it again exits with a segfault.
> I think that is a bug in the completionengine object desctructor.
> > I'd be happy to help contribute to afrodite, but it might take me a
> > while to learn how it works and where it needs improvements. Any help
> > or links to good resources would be great.
> I'm sorry but there isn't such documentation ;) All we have is the
> afrodite source code and vala compiler source code.
> So feel free to ask, you can also find me on the vala irc channel I'm
> sejerpz.
> > Thanks again,
> > ~Damien
> Ciao,
> Andrea
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