2012/2/19 Tal Hadad <tal...@hotmail.com>:
> I don't understand what is your purpose:
> I don't understand why you don't use constructors, or static methods.

I'd got myself in a bit of a mess inheriting singleton factory classes
and static properties/methods....coming from a C background, I get a
bit over-exciteable around OO. I've since refactored with templates
and accepted the 'singletons are evil' lore, which has made everything
a lot simpler.

> See, the type deceleration must be explicit at complication time.
> However, if you don't want it, you can always use generics and the "dynamic" 
> word.

Meh, I very much like the concept of 'complication time'. What is this
'dynamic' keyword of which you speak?

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