  I just didn't know that. Reading the documentation and looking at an
official gnome project (GDA, that does the same thing I was trying to do) I
though it was the only way to bind C to Vala. And the other developers I
mentioned are using Vala by the first time, too.

  If I can do this that way I'll save some time! Can you give me some
reference to that method?



El 27 de marzo de 2012 16:48, august <> escribió:

> Alejandro,
> Is there a reason to create a .vapi file?  Couldn't your vala developers
> just
> use the .gir file?  AFAIK, that is the preferred method for binding to
> vala if
> you are already writing gobject libs.
> -august.
> >   Hi, vala-list.
> >   Before anything else, I have to say I'm new to Vala and also to
> > vapigen usage. I've been working on a library which uses GObject and GTK
> > + and is written in C, now other developers are going to use this
> > library to write an application, but they will do it using Vala, so I'm
> > currently binding it using GObjectIntrospecton and vapigen, both
> > integrated with the GNU Autotools.
> >
> >   The directory structure of the library is composed by 4 directories,
> > each of which contains an alredy generated .gir file. I've managed to
> > integrate GObjectInstrospection in the project, and right now I'm
> > dealing with vapigen (whose documentation about integration with
> > Autotools doesn't exist, currently).
> >
> >   The 4 directories have an horizontal dependency so the .gir of the
> > first one is needed to generate the .gir (and .vapi) of the next one and
> > so on with all of them, all being in the same level of the build tree.
> >
> >   To generate the .girs I've used the --include-uninstalled option to
> > include the previously generated .gir file of the project. Now, when the
> > build system tries to run vapigen to generate a .vapi that depends on
> > another part of the library, it fails.
> >
> >   The call to vapigen is something like this:
> >     $(VAPIGEN) --pkg glib-2.0 --pkg gobject-2.0 --pkg gvn-0.1 -d
> > $(vapidir) --vapidir=$(vapidir) --library foo-0.1 Foo-0.1.gir
> >
> >   The .vapi file of the "gvn" package is alredy generated (and put in
> > the directory specified via the --vapidir option) at this point, as well
> > as the .gir of the current package.
> >
> >   And this is the error it produces:
> >     error: Package `Gvn-0.1' not found in specified Vala API directories
> > or GObject-Introspection GIR directories
> >
> >   I guess it has something to do with the package not being installed,
> > but I couldn't find a way to tell it to vapigen. However that's just a
> > guess, so I don't really know what i'm doing wrong and/or how to solve
> > this. Can anyone help me with it?
> >
> >   Thanks in advance!
> >
> >   Regards,
> >     Alex
> >
> > PS: sorry if my english is a mess, if something is not clear tell me and
> > I'll try to rewrite it.
> >
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