> August,
>   I just didn't know that. Reading the documentation and looking at an
> official gnome project (GDA, that does the same thing I was trying to do) I
> though it was the only way to bind C to Vala. And the other developers I
> mentioned are using Vala by the first time, too.
>   If I can do this that way I'll save some time! Can you give me some
> reference to that method?

If you have already created the .gir file and installed it in the proper
location (with other gir files), then you should be able to use it directly in
vala code.

For example, if you are writing a gobject lib called Mylib, you create a
Mylib-1.0.gir file and then a typelib file with something like:

g-ir-compiler --includedir $(PREFIX)/share/gir-1.0/ Mylib-1.0.gir -o 

and put the .gir file  under


and put the .typelib file under


then, vala users _should_ be able to call your api with:

        using Mylib-1.0;

Since you are creating a GObject lib, I _thought_ the preferred method was
through .gir and not .vapia.  But, I could be wrong.  I remember getting
advised to do it this way on IRC.   Of course, I am writing my gobject C lib in
VALA, so that may have been why I was given that advice.

If any of this is wrong, I would also love to know the proper method....with or
without autotools.

thanks, best, suerte -august.

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