On 29/08/2012 22:39, Horace Abenga wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm planning on writing a comprehensive GTK+ programming using Vala tutorial
> that will loosely follow the classic GTK+ tutorial
> (http://developer.gnome.org/gtk-tutorial/2.90/).
> I've done the first four chapters, which can be found (in docbook xml) on
> https://github.com/abenga/valagtktutorial .
> I'm requesting for comments, especially on coding conventions, best
> practice coding
> techniques, and any other suggestions of things I should include or
> remove, before I
> go too far.

Great idea :-P

I agree with David about adding a space before parenthesis, much better
even in C.

My personal rules with Vala are :

- No "using". (something I learned from Elementary Developer Guide :-P)

- No "var", only explicit variable declarations for code clarity.

That's personal taste, now if you adopt the same rules, maybe you can
use "using" and "var" in the first chapter to explain things and not
using it in other chapters to force newcomers to good practices. :-P


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