Thanks all for the comments, will definitely incorporate them.

I will try to work fast, maybe add two new chapters per week if I don't get
swamped at work.

On 30 August 2012 13:23, Thomas Jollans <> wrote:

> On 30/08/12 11:13, Axel FILMORE wrote:
> > On 29/08/2012 22:39, Horace Abenga wrote:
> >> Hi all,
> >>
> >> I'm planning on writing a comprehensive GTK+ programming using Vala
> tutorial
> >> that will loosely follow the classic GTK+ tutorial
> >> (
> >>
> >> I've done the first four chapters, which can be found (in docbook xml)
> on
> >> .
> >>
> >> I'm requesting for comments, especially on coding conventions, best
> >> practice coding
> >> techniques, and any other suggestions of things I should include or
> >> remove, before I
> >> go too far.
> >
> > Great idea :-P
> >
> > I agree with David about adding a space before parenthesis, much better
> > even in C.
> >
> > My personal rules with Vala are :
> >
> > - No "using". (something I learned from Elementary Developer Guide :-P)
> Erm, okay... Well I can see your point. You want to be clear on what
> you're using. However, the extra typing isn't really worth it since any
> good IDE can give you the info anyway. Sadly, there aren't a lot of good
> IDEs for Vala.
> > - No "var", only explicit variable declarations for code clarity.
> Yes "var", as much as possible, to avoid repetition. Except where it
> something wouldn't be clear without an explicit declaration.
> >
> >
> > That's personal taste, now if you adopt the same rules, maybe you can
> > use "using" and "var" in the first chapter to explain things and not
> > using it in other chapters to force newcomers to good practices. :-P
> >
> > :)
> >
> >
> >
> >
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