On 09/26/2012 09:44 PM, Tal Hadad wrote:
> After looking on this page:
> http://developer.gnome.org/glib/2.31/glib-Threads.html
> I see that those useful thread-safe binding are missing:
> * GLib.Once namespace and its methods.
> * g_bit_lock, g_bit_try_lock and g_bit_unlock in GLib.AtomicInt
> * g_pointer_lock, g_pointer_try_lock and g_pointer_unlock in 
> GLib.AtomicPointer

I imagine that there are implemented, but hidden behind Vala's locking
syntax. See https://live.gnome.org/Vala/Tutorial#Resource_Control

> Please fix them on the next release.

Bug reports belong on the bug tracker. They are easily forgotten when
posted here.

> Yours
> Tal
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