> Gesendet: Montag, 18. Mai 2015 um 18:19 Uhr
> Von: "Al Thomas"
> > From: Gilzad Hamuni
> > Sent: Monday, 18 May 2015, 16:16
> > 
> >>  Gesendet: Montag, 18. Mai 2015 um 16:12 Uhr
> >>  Von: "Al Thomas"
> >>  As a hint I would try removing 'weak':
> >> 
> >>  Gdk.RGBA tmpColor = Gdk.RGBA();
> >> 
> > Thanks Al,
> > 
> > if I understand correctly, then there's no use for 'weak' there as 
> > the scope for that declaration ends with the program. But it doesn't affect 
> > the memory consumption in the loop. I really went ahead and removed it now 
> > just 
> > to be sure. 
> Hmm, Vala memory management is scope based reference counting. See
> https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/Vala/Tutorial#Destruction
> [...]
> So I don't understand why your code in the loop after the comment
> //when done, delete everything
> is necessary.

Hi Al,

I have to clear the buffer's tag table and its text to ensure that the raising 
memory consumption doesn't from from there. However, in this example I didn't 
have to iterate through the tag_table for just one tag. That's a leftover, I've 
refactored that.

> Or why you are using weak parameter types (generics) in Gee.ArrayList.
Since I wasn't sure which portion of my code would not free memory, I found it 
acceptable to have Vala/Glib attempt to free memory "too" often for the moment 
(obviously Vala avoids double-freeing itself). I realize the weak keyword makes 
no difference here memory-wise (and runtime-wise probably for the worse). 
"Over-engineered" puts it well.

> > Still reading from "tag.foreground_rgba" consumes more
> > memory through the loop.
> to_string() doesn't just read, it will need memory to create the string. I 
> believe this should be freed when it
> goes out of scope

I see, so my comment "without buffering" was incorrect for that line. But I can 
say that printing
won't raise the memory usage in that loop.

> You may still have found a bug, but try refactoring your code a bit more 
> first.

Yes, there was too much going on for a showcase, sorry. I hope the attached 
file does a better job showing the possible leak. [1] is the vgdump for the 
case where I suspect leaking. [2] is the vgdump when not accessing 
tag.foreground_rgba .

Thanks again & best,


[1] https://gist.github.com/anonymous/f1aead08848226949f48
[2] https://gist.github.com/anonymous/27dbad1f09568a1e8211
using Gtk;

//compile with: valac --save-temps -g --pkg gtk+-3.0 gdk_rgba.vala
void main(string[] args)
	Gtk.init(ref args);
	TextView textView;
	Gtk.TextBuffer buffer;
	Gtk.TextIter startIter, endIter;

	Window win;
	string tagName = "";
	textView = new TextView();
	buffer = textView.buffer;
	int loopCounter = 0;
	Gdk.RGBA tmpColor = Gdk.RGBA();
	Timer timer = new Timer();
	double time_began = timer.elapsed();
	while (true)
		tagName = "tag_" + (loopCounter++).to_string();//create a unique tagname.
		buffer.set_text(tagName.to_string()+"\n", -1);//write "tag_<num>" into buffer

		Gtk.TextTag tag = buffer.create_tag(tagName);//create a tag named "tag_<num>"
		tmpColor.parse("blue");//choose some color
		tag.foreground_rgba = tmpColor;//assign it to the yet uninitialized foreground_rgba of the texttag.
		{// *** The leak occours here. Skipping the following line will keep the memory usage static (== no leakage). ***
			stdout.printf(tag.foreground_rgba.to_string()+"\n");//accessing the rgba-member seems to memleak
			//weak Gdk.RGBA tmpColor2 = tag.foreground_rgba;//..so does buffering to a variable of the original type.
		}// ** The leak occours above ***
		//stdout.printf( "Not accessing TextTag.foreground_rgba. " + (42).to_string() + "\n" );
		buffer.get_start_iter(out startIter);
		buffer.get_end_iter(out endIter);
		buffer.apply_tag(tag, startIter, endIter);//apply the tag from the beginning to the end of the written text.
		buffer.tag_table.remove(tag);//remove the tag from the buffer. clearing just the buffer will still keep created tags.
		buffer.delete(ref startIter, ref endIter);//remove all written text.
		if( timer.elapsed() >= (time_began+20) )//after ~20 seconds...
			break;//..exit the while-loop.

	{//we don't really want to arrive here. the loop above matters.
		win = new Window();
		win.destroy.connect (Gtk.main_quit);
		win.title = "Gdk.RGBA leakage";
		win.border_width = 5;
		win.window_position = WindowPosition.CENTER;
		win.set_default_size(655, 480);

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