I have the following which is automatically generated by bindgen.

DistinstSector distinst_sector_megabyte(uint64_t value);

And I have this defined in the accompanying vapi file.

    [CCode (has_type_id = false)]
    public struct Sector {
        SectorKind flag;
        uint64 value;

        public static Sector start ();
        public static Sector end ();
        public static Sector unit (uint64 value);
        public static Sector megabyte (uint64 value);

I'm attempting to use this within Vala like so

var end = disk.get_sector (Sector.megabyte (512));

But I am getting this error message

error: too many arguments to function ‘distinst_sector_megabyte’

And the generated C from Vala's compiler is inserting an extra argument.
distinst_sector_megabyte ((guint64) 512, &_tmp39_);

Any ideas?
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