A related concern is that many existing uses of == are optimizations intended to short-circuit evaluation of `equals`, under the assumption that == is "much faster" than equals.  When the performance reality shifts, some of this code might get slower.  (Though in most cases it probably makes no difference.)

If you assume that most uses of == are accidents, many of them might get less wrong; for example, using == on Integer (outside of the box cache) is almost always wrong, but will get less wrong in the future (since it will compare what's in the box.) This is both better and worse, in that fewer bugs will manifest as problems, but then bugs may sit undetected for longer.

(Don't get me started on the "primitives are good for numerics" -> "numerics will want operator overloading" -> "oh crap, == already means something" problem.)

On 11/3/2021 11:58 AM, Kevin Bourrillion wrote:
I imagine we might be constrained to this design by the need to support compatible migration. So there may be nothing we can do.

But there is a pretty serious problem here.

Background: code like IdentityHashMap, which cares about /objects per se /instead of what those objects /represent/, is unusual, special-case, egghead, lift-the-caution-tape code. It is not normal. It's surely more common in JDK code. But I strongly suspect that the vast majority of `==` tests in the wild are not expressing questions of identity at all, but are abbreviations for `equals()` when the developer happens to believe it's safe. Many of those are of course bugs, and then there are plain accidental usages as well.

Today, things are pretty okay because developers can learn that `==` is a code smell. A responsible code reviewer has to think through each one like this:

1. Look up the type. Is it a builtin, or Class? Okay, we're fine.
2. Is it an enum? Okay, I resent having to go look it up when they could have just used switch, but fine. 3. Wait, is this weird code that actually cares about objects instead of what they represent? This needs a comment.

The problem is that now we'll be introducing a whole class of ... classes ... for which `==` does something reasonable: only the ones that happen to contain no references, however deeply nested! These cannot at all be easily distinguished. This is giving bugs a really fantastic way to hide.

I think we'd better consider some heretical options, like introducing `===` and `!==` as sugar for Object.equals(). It seems tragic to imagine the entire world (except the special-case code) transitioning over to that, as it's quite ugly. But it would lead to more correct code. Maybe you have other ideas.

On Wed, Nov 3, 2021 at 7:05 AM Brian Goetz <brian.go...@oracle.com> wrote:

    Extrapolating, ACMP is a _substitutability test_; it says that
    substituting one for the other would have no detectable differences.
    Because all objects have a unique identity, comparing the
    identities is
    both necessary and sufficient for a substitutability test.

What you say here may be technically true, but people who override equals() are already trying their best to disavow identity in the only way they have. And that makes your statement here actually kinda /wrong/. Being a necessary and sufficient substitutability test is literally, exactly, what Object.equals() does (and never mind that people might implement it /wrong/). If that method's purpose is not to give classes control over their own substitutability test -- which they /need!/ -- then I can't imagine a purpose for it at all. (And yes, those objects still do expose identity, but their equals() implementation is consenting to have that identity "forgotten" at any time just by round-tripping it through some collection etc.)

Kevin Bourrillion | Java Librarian | Google, Inc. |kev...@google.com

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