* Exclamation fatigue would be very real, so assume there is some way to make 
`!` the default for some scope

Yes, I think it's a dead end to expect users to sprinkle '!' everywhere they 
don't want nulls—this is usually the informal default in common programming 
practice, so we need some way to enable flipping the default.

On the other hand, this is on a collision course with Kevin's "ref-default" recommendation, which had many strong supporting reasons, whether this is spelled `!` or `.val`.  The "but it will be tiring for people to type" doesn't feel like a very good reason to flip the default from something that has such strong objective justifications.

(Dan was never sold on ref-default, but Kevin was, so I'll leave it to him to reconcile "ref-default is the right default" with "but, exclamation fatigue.")

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