So its feasible to run Nginx as the server/load balancer and varnish as 
the front end cache giving potentially a decent high speed/high capacity 

Denis Brækhus wrote:
> ----- Dingo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> How would one compare say varnich with nginx 
>> where i see Nginx is not only a web server but a balancer for 
>> http/pop/imap/smtp
> Interesting question. I have myself been looking at Nginx, mainly for its 
> capabilities as a web loadbalancer / front-end.
> >From what I've read Nginx is not a cahce per se. It does serve static 
> >content (like any other webserver), can be coupled with fastcgi backends to 
> >serve dynamic content, and can also be used as an accelerating reverse 
> >proxy, in that it handles requests on behalf of slower backend servers 
> >(including loadbalancing). It does not (AFAIK) function as a web cache. 
> Varnish is a web cache, and to serve any content at all you need some sort of 
> webserver behind it. 
> Regards

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