On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 11:25 AM, Amit k. Saha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> The very concept of Virtual appliance is that you *don't* have to
> create a new configuration or a new VM which in VBox terms is using
> the existing XML file.

The problem is that VirtualBox does not (to my knowledge) have the ability
to package a virtual machine into a single file.

Also the "appliances" word is yours, not Virtualbox's. Even in the page you

The files are referred to as "virtual machines" not "virtual appliances".
When I read "appliance" I think about a hardware device that does a specific
function (ie Google Appliance http://www.google.com/enterprise/gsa/ ).

> And when you create a virtual appliance, you are doing it for someone
> other than you to give it a spin without any or minimal configuration.

There isn't much configuration to do. Other than selecting the OS type and
selecting the VDI image.

Well, it was no-where mentioned here at
> http://virtualbox.wordpress.com/images/damn-small/ that it was done
> with VBox on a Max OS-X host.

What matters is the guest OS type selection.
The host OS used to create it shouldn't matter.

In any case, what you are complaining about is something I complained about
on this list back in the days of Virtualbox 1.5.6 days...
It'd be nice if there would be a "single file" to match the "VMware Player"

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