On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 8:05 PM, Brian J. Murrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> On Thu, 2008-11-27 at 19:50 +0000, Armindo Silva wrote:
> >
> > Yes they can, you just need to disable kvm to load on boot.
> Which you do how on a stock Ubuntu system (no cheating and going and
> manually removing files, etc. after installing the kvm package)?
> And once disabled, how do I run kvm when I want to?  And how do I clean
> up after running kvm so that I can run VirtualBox again?
> > I do understand. Yes, the machine where I run both is my workstation.
> > I am a sys admin myself and before I install a piece of software on
> > some server I do lots of testing, I dont just go and do and apt-get
> > install on a live machine.
> That's really a red-herring.  So let's say I do all my testing and I
> come the conclusion (that I already have,) that I cannot have kvm
> installed (and enabled -- and if not enabled, what's the point?) and
> VirtualBox installed at the same time?  What do I do?  I don't install
> kvm on the live environment.  Why not save the admin all that work and
> just have apt tell him about this up front?
> > So if your sys admin installed both and expects everything to work is
> > because he/she didn't do some testing.
> I am the sysadmin.  My point is that in testing, I have come to this
> conclusion.  Why did I have to waste my time discovering this when apt
> could have just told me?
> You seem to be missing my main point here and that's having everything
> working "out of the box" (for a regular user).  Right now, with kvm and
> virtualbox, this is not the case.

On my experience a "regular user" won't use kvm, after all vbox as all the
glitter of a graphical interface, there's no need to go to the terminal and
use some "weird" commands and everything can be done pointing and clicking.
So it will be an "out of the box" experience.

> Anyway.  I've about said my piece on this.  It seems that even Frank
> disagrees with having virtualbox Just Work(tm) "out of the box" (for a
> given configuration) so I'm just wasting my time.

As someone says down the discussion, vmware has the same problem.
Virtualization is a complicated subject, isn't for the fainted heart ,
there's still no perfect solution, but i believe that vbox is one of the
best for the regular user.

> No hard feelings.  I made a suggestion and it was rejected.  No biggie.
> b.
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