I may not be of much help, but AVG's version 7.5 has been end-of-lifed, and
is no longer being actively supported, if this help. The current version is

There are also other free antivirus, but AVG trumps them in my opinion.


On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 3:49 PM, Mikkel L. Ellertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:

> David Brown wrote:
> >
> > Why would you be using an on-access antivirus program at all?  They are
> > a huge waste of money and resources, and totally unnecessary if you
> > follow a few basic security rules (make sure nothing nasty can get into
> > your computer by scanning your email, using a clamav for on-demand
> > scanning of downloads, attachments, usb sticks, etc., avoiding IE and OE
> > like the plague, and using a proper hardware firewall instead of some
> > silly windows software firewall).
> >
> Good advice, but sometimes had to follow. Sometimes you run into
> sites you have to access with IE. (Once that you have no choice
> about accessing.) I use a good hardware firewall at home, but it is
> a bit hard to manage that when traveling. On the other hand, I run
> Linux 90% of the time. Between having a user for accessing the
> Internet when traveling, and using a virtual machine for most of the
> Windows access, it is fairly safe. It will be better when I get my
> XP install converted to a virtual machine. (I need to put more
> memory into the laptop...)
> Mikkel
> --
> Registered Linux User #16148  (http://counter.li.org/)
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