
I've been a happy VMWare Workstation user for some time and thought I'd 
try VBox because I expected the OpenSolaris guest support to be a bit 

And it is - when VBox works at all.

I run a portable with 1.25GB RAM, XPsp3, and a 1.5GHz Pentium-M 
processor.  Its not shiny and new - but it works and runs VWare just fine.

What I'm finding is that quite often VBox seems to sulk when I try to 
start up a VM - sometimes it spins, and sometimes it just does nothing.

As I write I have a failed startup in the background.  Its using no CPU 
at all but is unresponsive and making no progress: it has displayed the 
little 'Restoring virtual...' progress meter but that's stuck at 0%. 
I've got 398MB committed and the OpenSolaris VM *will* want 768MB but 
there's enough swap space and there's no sign of it trying to allocate 
any memory.  The main application window (with the list of VMs etc) is 
'Not responding' and is failing to repaint.

Its really trying - when it works its really good, but any attempt to 
start or restart after a hibernate etc seems to leave it stuck most 
times, and it *sometimes* happens after a full reboot.  Happened with 
2.0.6 and 2.1.0.

Anyone else seeing anything like this?


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