Hi there,

On 2/24/09 5:18 PM Michael Toth wrote:

> This host machine is running windows XP sp3  (32 bit)
> The 2nd host machine is running  ubuntu 8.10  64 bit

One thing could be the 32/64bit thing, although I would guess thats not
the problem.

> (All I did was copy the file [the .vmdk] from the 2nd host to the 1st 
> host) so the files are the same

You mean the Disk Files are the same. What about the xml-Files with the
settings? Maybe there is some more voodoo in there?

> When I boot the guest on the 2nd machine I get a BSOD saying 
> 'unmountable_boot_volume'
> (I have tried changing the IDE controller Type, which did not help)

Try booting a live CD (knoppix, grml, ...) in the vm, and look if you
can access the disks. I do not know what your guest OS is, but maybe it
is a "windows with changed hardware" problem, although the "hardware"
should be quite similar.

Again, Im not an expert...

`You should write a book,´ Ron told Hermione as he cut up his potatoes,
`translating mad things girls do so boys can understand them.´
(Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix)

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