On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 7:30 AM, Joep L. Blom<jlb...@neuroweave.nl> wrote:
> Hi,
> I came upon a problem which I cannot resolve.
> I have Ubuntu installed on an USB-stick as a bootable device.
> I use it to load ubuntu on a system I have to do some fixing, or a new
> system for testing.
> I wanted to install it as guest in VirtualBox. But it doesn't give me the
> option of booting from an USB-stick, which all modern BIOS's (and also
> not-so-modern) do.
> Is there a workaround to have this done? I assume it has also to do with the
> fact that my vbox refuses to present USB-devices to the guest OS.
> Joep

I find the usb emulation non-intuitive at best, and on a windows host,
booting a virtual machine from a usb stick will be simply impossible
due to timing issues.

On windows hosts you insert your usb device and lauch vbox so vbox can
detect the specific usb details and create a "dummy" passthru usb
device node.

then you remove your usb device, start your vm and then the usb
passthru device is installed on the windows host, then and only then
can you insert your usb device and have it seen inside the guest os.
I can't see any practical method where this scenario would allow usb
booting simply because it takes too long.

(I can only assume that vbox on a linux host works similarly once you
get your device permissions correct so that the vbox user/group can
actually have access to the needed devices)

Im content to netboot vm's anyway. so I'm not interested in usb booting.

The one real problem with usb booting is a lack of bios consistency on
this topic.  Seems very difficult to me to emulate something on a vm
that in all likelihood wont work on a real box.


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