Ok, guys, I know this isn't a big deal to most of you that do your own "C"
work... but it was exciting for me since this was my first modification to a
"C" program and it actually worked....!!  first time too!   I know it's VERY
simple but I thought it was a nice addition.

The problem was that when someone get's locked out of POP access, the log
doesn't show who it was.  It just logs "pop access denied" without any user
info.  I wanted to see this info just like with bad passwords, bad virt.
accounts, etc...

So here's the diff to vchkpw.c  maybe Ken will build it in.. I like it
anyway. :)

ns3:~/devel/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.6 4% diff vchkpw.c vchkpw.c.backup
<               log_pass_exit(LOG_NOTICE, 3, "pop access denied",
<                       GLuser, GLhost, IpAddr, passwd);
>               log_exit(LOG_NOTICE, 53, "pop access denied");
ns3:~/devel/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.6 5%

Chris Bunnell

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