This may be a silly question but...

I was wondering if there's any tool or option or function or something that 
will help me to build (and install) a newer version of vpopmail (or many 
other packages) using the same options I used to build (and install) my 
existing version.

If not, it kinda boggles my mind why a community with as many and as 
frequently updates as the linux community hasn't created such a useful 
feature.  I cannot believe that everyone using linux (a) remembers every 
option used to build a package (yesterday, last month, last year, whenever) 
and/or (b) intuitively knows all of the correct configuration settings for 
every package they upgrade.  However, it seems like a relatively trivial 
thing for a package creator to include such information, in a parsable 
format, for upgrades to use as a reference/starting point.

Please just tell me I'm confused and that I should use the '?????' command 
to do just what I want.
* Steve Valliere
* Remove the spamblock from my
* address to reply directly.

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