> It would be nice to get some reference URL's on what
> WAP does and what the protocols are. How they are
> being used in applications
As far as the technical aspects of the protocl, the best place to look
is http://www.wapforum.org/what/technical.htm
As for what it is being used for...well... here in the UK it is used for
email access, online organisers, news, lottery results, directories,
games...it didnt take off as much as expected but it still widely used.
Some companies with big wap portals would be genie (BT Cellnet) at
http://www.genie.co.uk and my personal favourite, Virgin at
For personal use, I have big brother statistics on my server, produces
graphs of uptime and notifes of down services. I can view all details
on my server, on most of the running processes via WAP on my mobile
phone anywhere. If there is a problem, i can acknowledge the problem
and give it a fix time, which is then sent to customers, its very
If anyone is interested I will send them some sample wml pages from my
server for you to have a look at the format of wml.