Roger Arnold wrote:

Hello Ken,

Thanks for the reply and help, please find results below

Ken Jones wrote:

> burrett wrote:
> >
> > Roger Arnold wrote:
> >
> > Hello All,
> >
> > I need to check that pop3 is authenticating passwords properly to
> > temporary domains, however I am not sure of how email travels through
> > qmail - vpopmail.
> These are two different things
> 1) pop authentication
> telnet hostname 110
> user "enter your user@domain here"
> pass "enter your password"
> If it says OK each time then it authentication.

OK, this is working and I am able to telnet in using the above parrameters

> 2) Email delivery
> echo "to: user@domain" | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject

This is also working, so I guess authentication is functioning and mail is
being delivered internally

> It should show up in the users Maildir/new directory.
> If not, look at your qmail-send log file for answers.
> 3) Mail delivery from the outside world.
>    This depends on your DNS. Which is another issue :)

Mail delivery from the outside world is also working, as the mail sent is
arriving in the users Maildir directory

So now I am really stuck, Qmailadmin still will not let anyone in, and
basically says that username/password is wrong, even though I have just
confirmed it works.
Should I try reinstalling Qmailadmin and see if that works?
As far as httpd.conf is concerned what configuration for qmailadmin would be
in there?
Also what permissions would stop qmailadmin authenticating a user?
I have just done a straight install, however does it make any difference if
the install is performed by an ordinary user or by root, because thats the
only thing I can think of that would alter permissions?

Again thanks for your help


> Ken
> > I know this is documented, and I will read up on it, but I need a
> > quicker way if there is one.
> > Mail sent to the temporary domains is being received and is lodged in
> > the domains directory, however I have spent so long getting qmail and
> > vpopmail running, that I have omitted to learn how to connect to the
> > server from the outside world with an email client to receive email (I
> > know the username is the full email address and not just the name).
> >
> > What I need now is a quick way to confirm pop3 is being authenticated
> > properly?
> >
> > Any direct pointers to this information which is documented would also
> > be appreciated
> >
> > Thanks for any and all help
> >
> > Regards
> > Roger

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