Hey all,

    I have a very rough alpha version of spam stopper written using the EPS
libraries from Inter7,  This message is only for people that would like to
help me test this system.  It has been tested and working with vpopmail 5.0

    What it does:
    Captures CRC32 of Subject and Body of Message
    Updates a Centralized Database.
    Database replies back how many times this message has been inserted in
the last hour
    Then either deletes the message (if it falls within # of same message in
hour) or will delivery the message.

    Where to get:

    Required Libraries:
    Eps 0.3 compiled with -DSTORE_ORIGINAL flag

    edit the config.h and modify the BADSPAMCOUNT to your liking.
    run ./make
    cp spamstopper to your /usr/local/bin

    .qmail-default should look like
    | /usr/local/bin/spamstopper
/home/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail 0 bounce-no-mailbox is a test Spam Stopper server.

    Please email me directly if you have question or comments.


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