What happens if you have a number of users on the same mailing list or
other natural occurences of such?


On Mon, 12 Nov 2001, Sean C Truman wrote:

> Hey all,
>     I have a very rough alpha version of spam stopper written using the EPS
> libraries from Inter7,  This message is only for people that would like to
> help me test this system.  It has been tested and working with vpopmail 5.0
>     What it does:
>     Captures CRC32 of Subject and Body of Message
>     Updates a Centralized Database.
>     Database replies back how many times this message has been inserted in
> the last hour
>     Then either deletes the message (if it falls within # of same message in
> hour) or will delivery the message.
>     Where to get:
>     http://www.truson.biz/spamstopper.tar.gz
>     Required Libraries:
>     Eps 0.3 compiled with -DSTORE_ORIGINAL flag
>     Compiling:
>     edit the config.h and modify the BADSPAMCOUNT to your liking.
>     run ./make
>     cp spamstopper to your /usr/local/bin
>     .qmail-default should look like
>     | /usr/local/bin/spamstopper
> /home/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail 0 bounce-no-mailbox
> is a test Spam Stopper server.
>     Please email me directly if you have question or comments.
> Sean

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