All our packages are under constant development.  If you want the latest
stable version, use version 5.3.8 from the development page
It's planned to go stable.  A new development version will take it's
place with
new patches, bug fixes, etc.

Remember, our packages are GPL, and we are not paid for their
development, so
we cannot guarantee updates, or bug fixes in any scheduled manner. 
However, if
a particular problem you're having needs to be addressed, and is
important to
your business, please contact us.

Steve Fulton wrote:
> At 22:08 14/10/2002 -0500, David U. wrote:
> > > post of a link to Vpopmail 5.3.9
> >
> >Is anyone actually running it?  I tried to but then reverted because of a
> >couple issues.
> I am, though I'm curious about what problems you've discovered..
> >I'm happy to setup a public repository on one of my machines in the
> >short-term until inter7 frees up some time.
> It would probably be useful, but I wouldn't want to create a seperate
> Vpopmail development branch from the current one.  Who knows what's been
> added and what hasn't?  Its probably better if a CVS is setup by Inter7
> themselves and initially populated based on their up-to-date code.
> -- Steve

Matt Brookings - Chief Technical Officer
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc. - 847-492-0470
Prices at

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