Steve Fulton wrote:
> At 22:08 14/10/2002 -0500, David U. wrote:
>>> post of a link to Vpopmail 5.3.9
>> Is anyone actually running it?  I tried to but then reverted because
>> of a couple issues.
> I am, though I'm curious about what problems you've discovered..

The most annoying one being the qmail-extension not working.

>> I'm happy to setup a public repository on one of my machines in the
>> short-term until inter7 frees up some time.
> It would probably be useful, but I wouldn't want to create a seperate
> Vpopmail development branch from the current one.  Who knows what's
> been added and what hasn't?  Its probably better if a CVS is setup by
> Inter7 themselves and initially populated based on their up-to-date
> code.

Well from the post Vol just made it seems like they are developing and so
the need isn't even there.  I agree with what you say though, and if it ever
becomes an issue we can discuss it then.  It seems like inter7 is still
rockin' the code like usual so I'm (obviously) happy.


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