Hi Zeno,

On Tue, 22 Oct 2002 18:29:39 +0200
Zeno Davatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  What about the other packages? Did you compile them yourself as well
>  or did you do apt-get (qmail, etc.)?

vpopmail does not depend in a special (debian build) qmail-version and
it does not require you having e.g. tcpserver installed as Debian
package. You could easily compile them by yourself or use 

# Smarden.org provides several DJB pakets like qmail
deb http://smarden.org/pape/Debian sarge unofficial pape
deb-src http://smarden.org/pape/Debian sarge unofficial pape
# /Smarden.org

in your '/etc/apt/sources.list'

Replace 'sarge' with 'woody' to get the woody packages only, but
currently 'sarge' and 'woody' qmail package are identically (AFAICS).
Gerrit Pape (owner of 'smarden.org' and maintainer of these unofficial
packages) offers

qmail (which requires qmail-run and qmail-uids-guids), daemontools (svc
stuff) and uscpi-tcp

Means: everything you need below vpopmail to run it.
Doing a 'apt-get install freecdb' will additionally allow you to dump
.cdb files (for debugging and reference purposes), but this package is
available through normal debian distribution.


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