> Just wondering if vpopmail has a limit in the number of accounts.
> I'm finding the following very odd:
> vdominfo xxxx.com
> domain: xxxx.com
> uid:65534
> gid:65534
> dir:/u4/vpopmail/domains/iwantumail.com
> users:2147479639

put in /u4/vpopmail/domains/iwantumail.com the file:

# more .qmailadmin-limits
maxpopaccounts: 6
maxaliases: 5
maxforwards: 5
maxautoresponders: 5
maxmailinglists: 5

This will limit the number of "object" that a postmaster can create in it's 
own domain with qmailadmin.

> vadduser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> vuserinfo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> name: test
> passwd:xxxxxxx
> clear passwd: xxxxxxx
> uid: 0
> gid: 0
>     all services available
> dir: /usr/vpopmail/domains/xxxx.com/0///test
> quota: 15000000
> usage:0%
> notice the /// after 0
> is that normal?

We have the same problem and i can't figure it out how to solve it, any hint?


Davide Giunchi.
Membro del FoLUG (Forlí Linux User Group) - http://folug.linux.it
GPG Key available on http://www.keyserver.net 
Fingerprint: 4BFF 2682 6A58 ECFE 071B  A1A4 F2A3 9EFA 6494 81FD

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