Hello Wil,

On Wednesday, March 19, 2003 at 8:37:28 PM you wrote (at least in

> I am sure it has already been covered but I couldn't find exactly what I was
> looking for so here we go again.

> I need to import from the old cdb version that Vpopmail used to the new
> MySQL. New to us anyways. The tricky part is that the old user base was
> located at /sites/home/vpopmail/domains and the new location will be
> /sites/http/domainname.com/postoffice by using the -u switch.

> Could someone point me in the direction of a resource that may be modifiable
> in this fashion? It would be most appreciated.

Try copying




and use the 'vconvert' tool provided with vpopmail.
Best regards
Peter Palmreuther

A real patriot is the fellow who gets a parking ticket  and rejoices
that the system works.

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