Do you have an URL that we can look at to see this in action?  I would love
to do something like this myself!

Thank you,


> Hello Everyone,
> I am writing in response to someone that asked how we seamlessly
> integrated squirrelmail and qmailadmin using iframes and so a user
> doesn't have to login to each application after initially logging in.
> This was a pretty simple task using PHP.
> Instruction:
> First we created our administrative shell.  This contained a header and
> a footer in two separate PHP files.
> Next we created our own login.php file that asked for a username and
> password.  This script included the header.php and the footer.php
> Once a person submits the login form contained in the login.php page, we
> use PHP pop functions to authenticate them on our mail servers.  If
> there is a successful authentication, we break the email address apart
> into 3 variables.  The variables are username, domainname, and password.
> These variable are then added into a session and the users gets
> redirected to our squirrmail.php login script.
> Our squirmail.php script includes our header.php script, the line for
> the Iframe that points to the squirmail login script and our footer.php
> script.
> Our header.php script keeps the session running.  At the top of the page
> in the header script we have a navigation bar with 2 icons in it.  The
> icons point to our squirmail.php and our qmailadmin.php scripts.
> Our qmailadmin.php script is setup exactly like out squirrelmail.php
> script.  It contains the header that keeps the seesion information and a
> line that includes the Iframe that points to the qmailadmin login script
> and our footer.php script.
> The two icons in the header that allow you to switch between the two
> different application have dtnamic links that get built by the
> information stored in the session.  So basically the username and
> password get passed through the links when they are clicked.  The links
> are built and populated via the session variables.
> This all works like a charm.
> I realize I could have been a little clearer explaining this, but I
> figure most of you with programming experience should be able to figure
> it out.
> I hope this helps.
> Justin C.

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