I think what needs to be understood here is that vpopmail, qmail, and
autoturn (serialmail) are not really all related.  The only common bond they
share is qmail itself.

qmail is the mail server that runs the show, and all it's doing is
delivering emails.  It decides how to, based on it's control files.  In this
case, we're talking about the rcpthosts (and possibly morercpthosts) and
virtualdomains control files.  As well as the /var/qmail/users/assign file,
which gets compiled into the /var/qmail/users/cdb file.  Here's the
breakdown of how delivery works with qmail and where autoturn or vpopmail
come into play.  It should help you to better diagnose where your problem is
coming from.

SMTP connection opens up to your server for a domain you handle, let's say,
example.com .  qmail-smtpd answers the smtp connection and email for
example.com.  It checks if example.com is in rcpthosts, if it is, it accepts
relay for it.  It then checks the smtproutes file for an artificial smtp
route, and then the virtualdomains file.  In the virtualdomains file you
have something that looks like this (if you're using vpopmail):


Seems simple enough.  The first part is the FQDN itself, the second part is
the user that it belongs to.  This user is defined in the
/var/qmail/users/assign file, but qmail actually reads the cdb file.  You
build the cdb file with the /var/qmail/bin/qmail-newu program.  Inside your
assign file you have something that looks like this:


The "+" in the begging signifies a catch-all account for the domain.  qmail
then looks in /home/vpopmail/domains/example.com for a .qmail-default file.
If it finds one, it delivers to whatever that file instructs.  This
typically will contain the following:

| /home/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' bounce-no-mailbox

That command pipes it over to vdelivermail, which delivers the email..and
voila we have email.

Ok.. now where do we fit in serialmail?  Well, in the virtualdomains file,
instead of assigning the domain to the "example.com" user in the assign
file, we'll give it to autoturn so your virtualdomains file will look like
this instead:


Notice how we've assigned it to autoturn, but a specific autoturn user
( would be the IP address of the mail server that you're
holding email for.  This MUST be a static IP address.  Inside your assign
file, you have a line that looks like this for autoturn:


That tells qmail that the autoturn user also is a "catch-all" user, and that
it lives in /var/qmail/autoturn.  qmail then takes the email destined for
example.com and tries to deliver it to /var/qmail/autoturn.  Inside this
folder, you'd create a .qmail-1:2:3:4 file that looks like this (note they
are colons and not periods in the file name):


This tells qmail that anything destined for the autoturn- user (aka,
anything for example.com) should be delivered to

The directory is created with the /var/qmail/bin/maildirmake
program.  Just type:

/var/qmail/bin/maildirmake /var/qmail/autoturn/

Then chown it as the qmaild user by doing:
chown -R qmaild:nofiles /var/qmail/autoturn/

Hope that helps to clear things up.


-----Original Message-----
From: Evren Yurtesen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2003 10:31 PM
To: Devendra Singh
Subject: Re: [vchkpw] ETRN / serialmail-AUTOTURN with vpopmail - How to ?

I think you should explain what you did and where you failed and what is
going wrong etc. Now you cant expect us to write you a manual for this
only for you. At least nobody would do that for free only for one
person's benefit. Then again after all that work, you might say that you
still do not understand etc. So it is a difficult situation for all of us.
We do not know your exact problem. We can not tell you how to fix it.

We can guide you but you must go through the door yourself :)

Here is my qmail-smtpd run file which was working when I used serialmail
if it is any help. This was the most difficult part for me.
exec /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -p -R -x /usr/local/vpopmail/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb
-u82 -g81 -v -c100 0 smtp \
      sh -c '
        cd /var/qmail/autoturn
        exec setlock -nx $TCPREMOTEIP/seriallock \
        maildirsmtp $TCPREMOTEIP autoturn-$TCPREMOTEIP- $TCPREMOTEIP
      ' \
`hostname --fqdn` /usr/local/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw /usr/bin/true 2>&1

On Tue, 5 Aug 2003, Devendra Singh wrote:

> At 04/08/03 06:27 (+0300), you wrote:
> >Yes you can use serialmail for some domains and for some not
> >please just read the readme files which come with serialmail.
> >they have all the elaboration you need. I have made an excellent working
> >setup from the readme file in a few hours only. There was even a working
> >example if I remember right.
> >
> >Evren
> Dear vpopmail experts,
> I did read the "Readme" and "Install" many times. But could not understand

> how to mix and match the Serialmail with vpopmail. I am not a qmail / 
> vpopmail guru.
> If anyone has done this before, please help me out. But I was able to 
> configure VODMR (ATRN) and tested it working.
> Thanks in anticipation.
> Devendra Singh

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