Ok, that worked great. I was able to kill the database and all of those entries from the various files and I was able to recreate the database and add my domains back.

Only one problem remains: I'm unable to pop into the account and get my mail. There are no errors that I can see happening in any of the log files, but I am popping like crazy and no mail is coming. I can see that the messages were delivered to the right mailbox because I went to the ~vpopmail/domains folder and I could see the messages were stored in the appropriate mailbox.

Here's an exceprt from my log file located at /var/log/qmail/pop3d/current

@400000003f61fe982c0320c4 tcpserver: status: 1/40
@400000003f61fe982c033c1c tcpserver: pid 22184 from
@400000003f61fe982c0343ec tcpserver: ok 22184 0: :
@400000003f61fe9835c5210c tcpserver: end 22184 status 256
@400000003f61fe9835c53c64 tcpserver: status: 0/40

So there were no errors that I can see, and when I keep hitting the Send/Receive button of my mail client (outlook) it adds another entry similar to this in the log.

I don't know if this is related, but when I do...

ps -efl | grep "service errors" | grep -v grep

as suggested in Life With Qmail, I get...

0 S root 19866 19857 0 84 0 - 336 pipe_w Sep11 ? 00:00:00 readproctitle service
errors: ............................................................................................

Should I be worried about this? I get no other messages from running this command. Maybe it's OK as is.

From: Bill Shupp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [vchkpw] How to completely remove a database
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2003 22:24:58 -0700

On Thursday, September 11, 2003, at 10:21 PM, Don Walters wrote:

I am trying to wipe out everything and start from scratch. I tried using "drop database vpopmail;" and creating it again using the instructions to install vpopmail, but I'm unable to add the same domains back again. It keeps saying the domain already exists. If I try to use the command vdeldomain to remove it, it says the domain doesn't exist!

The reason I didn't use vdeldomain in the first place is because I had to reload everything all over again and I was installing over the top of a previous installation. I think all I need to do is wipe the slate and start adding my domains back into a clean database.

How can I be assured that I'm wiping out everything and starting fresh?

In addition to removing the database/recreating it, remove the domain directory, and the entry from /var/qmail/users/assign and run /var/qmail/bin/qmail-newu to update the assign cdb file.


Bill Shupp

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