Charles Sprickman writes:

> They probably would have gotten an answer had they shown the perms on
> their ~vpopmail/bin directory and their ~vpopmail/domains/*/* directories.

Giving information like that always helps. :)
> I think "polite" in this case referred to the "I installed it correctly,
> so there must be a bug" attitude. :)

There are three ways of looking at that.

Somebody can be so bone-headed that he or she is convinced that everything
was done correctly and refuses to consider the possibility that an error
was made.  This, i believe, is what you meant by it.

The second way of looking at it is that if somebody follows the
installation process and documentation to the letter and it still
doesn't work then there really must be a bug.  I did a correct install
of one of the newer betas and found that I couldn't add domains or

The third way of looking at it is that if it is possible to install it 
incorrectly then there is indeed a bug in the installation process or
the documentation.

Paul Allen
Softflare Support

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