JB writes:

> A one line bash script, which I provided

Sorrry, I did not see your attachment in any of your posts.  Please
repost it so that we all can benefit and the vpopmail maintainers can
distribute your wonderful script (if they think it is a sensible

> will do the job for Millions of people.

Or whatever number need it, whether it's 0.1% of us or 99.9% of us.
My attitude to software is to try to deal with the needs of everyone,
not just the needs of the majority and definitely not just the needs
that Microsoft claims falsely that everyone has.

> You could have fixed the problem yourself in less then 10 seconds, 

I can fix the problem for MYSELF in less than 10 seconds.  To fix
the problem for others requires submitting a script (ummm, I still
don't remember seeing yours) and persuading the vpopmail developers
to include it in the distribution and add documentation.  Do you
understand how to multiply ten seconds by the number of people who have
to expend those ten seconds?  Do you understand the virtues of consistency
in user interfaces?

BTW, the overhead for the vpopmail devlopers is pretty much the same
whether it is the inclusion of a script or modification of vaddaliasdomain.
Apart from having to wade through people flaming me for suggesting a
possible improvement to the user interface, that is.  You, and a few others
like you, have made a simple change, requiring little effort, that would
please many people, into something that will eat into what little time
the vpopmail developers have.  Be proud of yourself, JB.

> instead, you flame me.

Yep.  Because you showed a significant clue deficiency, and still do.

> You are a fucking twit

Opinions will differ on that one.  Obviously I have one vote on my side
and I presume that you have one vote on your side (although you are so
clueless I cannot be certain that you agree with yourself).  Where the
rest of the votes lie is another matter...

As I invited another idiot to do, please explain to us all why it is so
important to you to prevent the suggestions I made being incorporated.  I
took care to ensure that those who were happy with the current behaviour
would get it by default, yet those who were unhappy could get what I think
to be more sensible behaviour.  Tom Collins came up with an improvement
on my idea that would let all of us get the behaviour we wanted
AUTOMATICALLY.  Now please explain to us all why you are so much against
all of us getting what we would like provided that you get what you like
and those who disagree with you can go screw ourselves.

Y'know, my understanding of Open Source is that it advances by people
suggesting ideas (and, if they are capable, providing patches).  We all
get what we want, although there may be some extra configuration issues.
I thought that the definition of Closed Source was "you take what we give
you and you damn well better not complain."  It seems to me that you
want Closed Source vpopmail because you have advanced no better argument
than "because I say so."

Feel free to debate me on substantive issues (if you can).  By all means
offer technical refutations of my arguments (if you can).  However, if
all you can say is "Waaaaah, I don't want that though I can't explain
why" then FOAD.

Paul Allen
Softflare Support

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