Hi all,

I'm having this messages when I do a ./vadddomain xpto.com

[EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]# ./vadddomain xpto.com
Please enter password for postmaster:
enter password again:
vmysql: sql error[c]: MySQL server has gone away
vmysql: sql error[b]: MySQL server has gone away
Failure while attempting to remove_line() the locals file
vmysql: sql error[c]: MySQL server has gone away
vmysql: sql error[c]: MySQL server has gone away
vmysql: sql error[b]: MySQL server has gone away
Error. Failed to add domain to assign file
Error: Could not update file

When I try to create it again vpopmail screams that it's allready created,
however no domain directory was created under ~vpopmail/domain/ .

vpopmail was compiled with the following options:
./configure \
--enable-vpopuser=vpopmail \
--enable-vpopgroup=vchkpw \
--enable-tcprules-prog=/usr/local/bin/tcpserver \
--enable-tcpserver-file=~vpopmail/etc/tcp.smtp \
--enable-log-name=vpopmail \
--enable-roaming-users=y \
--enable-logging=p \
--enable-defaultquota=52428800 \
--enable-ip-alias-domains=n \
--enable-passwd=n \
--enable-clear-passwd=y \
--enable-domain-quotas=y \
--enable-mysql=y \
--enable-many-domains=n \
--enable-auth-logging=y \
--enable-mysql-logging=y \
--enable-valias=y \
--enable-mysql-limits=n \
--enable-relay-clear-minutes=30 \

mysql client and server are version:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] vpopmail-5.3.28]# mysqld -V
mysqld Ver 4.0.15-standard for pc-linux on i686
[EMAIL PROTECTED] vpopmail-5.3.28]# mysql -V
mysql Ver 12.21 Distrib 4.0.15, for pc-linux (i686)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] vpopmail-5.3.28]#

Vpopmail is version 5.3.28

mysql database was created like this:
mysql> CREATE DATABASE vpopmail;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> GRANT select,insert,update,delete,create,drop ON vpopmail.*

and I'm running REdHAt Linux 8.0 with the latest kernel, mysql is

I found a post on this error but was related with different versions of
server and client. What is missing around here?


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