On Fri, 2004-01-23 at 15:53, Rick Widmer wrote:
> Jon Reynolds wrote:
> > I am moving from one server to a new and was wondering what I need to do
> > to move my users from the old server to the new. I am thinking I need to
> > move the /etc/passwd,/etc/master.passwd and /etc/group then move the
> > domain directory in /home/vpopmail/domains/<domain>.
> I've done it that way before and it worked.  You could also edit the 
> password and group files to move just the qmail, vpopmail and related 
> lines across.  Less chance of messing up some other part of the system 
> that way.  Make sure you don't duplicate any existing uid/gid values.
> > Would that work and do I need to make sure that all the uid's and gid's
> > match for spamassassin, clamav and the others?
> You also want to preserve the uid/gid values on all the files and 
> directories...  or go through all of them and make sure they match when 
> you are done.  (not much fun!)

Rick and Rick,

Thanks for the reply, that is exactly what I needed to know.

Well alright, I just woke up about 2 hours ago and have almost finished
this move, dang flu is killing me! 

I have found that all I had to do was move the /home/vpopmail/domains/
folder to the new server. I checked all the users and group ID's and
they were exactly the same on both machines so I didn't need to move the
passwd files or the group files. 

Apparently vpopmail stores it's passwd file inside of the directory of
the domain it is hosting so user passwords are intact from the move. So
what I ended up doing was just to scp the domain folder over and chown
it to the correct uid:gid and restart qmail.

 Was that ever easy!

Thanks for the help and the replies, it's always nice to have someone
holding your hand when you are doing something your not sure of. :)


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