I will be pleased if you can send me your script in order to let me have a better 
reference for my own script design.



> Hi,
> qmailadmin has "hooks" that will allow you to send info to other places
> when you add, delete or modify a user. Read the document
> /var/src/qmailadmin-xxxxx/README.hooks for details.
> Basically, it'll tell you to create a .qmailadmin-hooks file, what to
> put in it and the various places you may want to place the file.  Make
> sure that .qmailadmin-hooks has the correct user and group ownership, too.
> I use it to call a bash script.  It could probably also call
> /usr/lib/courier-imap/bin/maildirmake.
> If you want my script file let me know.
> Barry
>>http://www.jerfu.com/toaster/FullToaster_1.0.6.html show me a way to alter 
>>vpopmail.c in order to create directory
>> for spam email automatically. However, it is only for version 5.3.11. Is there any 
>> link that can show
>>me related information about vpopmail 5.4.1 ?

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