Just following up to myself with a related question...

If I have a seperate update server, and the read-only server is working
fine, does any failure on the update server (doing relay and lastauth)
cause pop/imap/smtp-auth logins to fail?

I've temporarily offloaded the read-only stuff to a seperate box, but I
saw a re-occurence today of database hiccups on the update server, and
also saw a string of login failures, so I'm wondering if the problem has
followed me to the new db box or if the updates bogging down can hang the
password checking routines.



On Thu, 1 Jul 2004, Charles Sprickman wrote:

> Hi,
> I read with some interest the thread about 5.4.5 that mentions this
> particular error:
> Jul  1 19:11:41 blah pop3d: vmysql: sql error[1]: Can't create database
> 'vpopmail'. Database exists
> Today we've been getting a ton of complaints about users needing to enter
> their passwords multiple times.  This is pop, imap, and smtp-auth.
> Additionally it looks like the chkusr patch is having issues as well; I've
> seen a few bounces (my C-coding buddy is hopefully going to get that patch
> to act a bit more nicely if it can't hit mysql).  This is vpopmail 5.3.30,
> mysql 4.0.17 on FreeBSD 4.8.
> Seeing as I'm getting failures across the board, I have to assume there's
> some issue with accessing mysql.
> The box is working hard, but not struggling.  I've seen the above errors
> when the load is as low as .40.  MySQL is set to a max-connections of
> 2000.  MySQL does not log anything interesting when I enable logging
> except for the expected "Aborted connection" messages from the vpopmail
> stuff not calling mysql_close().
> I'm stumped here.  MySQL seems to be fine, the load isn't insane, the
> vpopmail user has no cpu/file limits, nor does MySQL's user, yet all
> vpopmail stuff that hits the db fails periodically.
> Any ideas what to look at?
> I know I should get on 5.4.x, but I have to test that elsewhere for any
> surprises first.

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