On Mon, 2004-08-23 at 14:44, Bruno Negrão wrote:
> >
> > How about 2 qmail installs?
> > After you install qmail once, change conf-qmail to have a qmail2.
> > make setup check again, and you have a 2nd qmail install.
> >
> > In there, change smtproutes to point your domain to your 2nd server.
> >
> > Then for each user that exists on the 2nd server, make a .qmail-default
> > with:
> > |/var/qmail2/bin/forward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > (remember to run your qmail-send process from the 2nd install, or
> > nothing will go out - Yes yes.. It got me :)
> Rick,  are you currently using this?

For a whole domain.  Not per user.

> It seems you omitted that I would have to make the same thing in the second
> server, creating .qmail files forwarding messages to the users configured
> in the 1st server.

No, if you create a .qmail-default for each user that needs to be
forwarded, you only need to create THOSE users on the 2nd server.

> I think this configuration isn't scalable. What would happen if I'd like to
> split the domain through 3 or more machines? Or if I'd like to split other
> domains through other servers? It would became an administration
> nightmare... don't you think?

Then I'd set a flag, or create a field in MySQL - and look at using
maildrop for the redirection, after a perl script checks for the routing

> The qmail-ldap still appears to be the best solution. The only disadvantage
> is, besides I'll be obligated to understand all about LDAP concepts,
> qmail-ldap seems to be difficult to install and configure at a first look.

That's the main reason I suggested just using a 2nd qmail install.  It's
easy to create, and there's really nothing special about it.

> This gonna be a lot of work...

No matter how you do it, breaking up a domain based on username is going
to take a lot of work.


> Regards,
> bruno.

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