Hello, I have a vpopmail server that I would like to integrate with my billing server. The billing server is behind a firewall, and the mail server is not.
I'd like to connect via an encrypted shell, like SSH, but I'd also like the connection to be persistent, to avoid connection costs for batch operations. I'd also like to provide a FIFO queue mechanism so that if the mail server reboots, anyone working on the billing server won't get error messages when they attempt to provision services. Then, when the mail server comes back up, the SSH tunnel is re-established and the queued operations begin to execute. However, so far in my google searches I haven't seen anything that would help me implement a persistent SSH connection with a FIFO queue. Can anyone give me tips? Thanks! -- Jesse Guardiani, Systems Administrator WingNET Internet Services, P.O. Box 2605 // Cleveland, TN 37320-2605 423-559-LINK (v) 423-559-5145 (f) http://www.wingnet.net