On Thursday 18 November 2004 6:47 pm, X-Istence wrote:
> On Nov 18, 2004, at 3:44 PM, Matthew Walker wrote:
> > What are the pw_uid and pw_gid fields in the user info actually used
> > for? I did a quick read through the docs, and couldn't find any
> > information about what they do other than the fact that they're the
> > user id and group id.
> >
> > Matthew
> They are named to confuse people. :P
> Actually i have no clue, but there should be some documentation on
> them, and they should possible be renamed to something more suiting for
> the task they are doing or being used for.

I picked the field names to match the standard /etc/passwd
field names. The pw_uid field is no longer used. It was orginally
used to enable/disable APOP support. But that code was re-written
and no longer requires a field. 

The pw_gid field is also a bit mask. Each of the bits are defined
in vpopmail.h. Look for the "gid flags" section. Each flag is fairly
self explanatory.

Renaming the fields would break all the current code and programs
that use these fields, so it probably isn't a good idea.

The last two gid flags that were added, as far as I know, are the
NO_SPAMASSASSIN and DELETE_SPAM flags. These might
only be in the 5.5 (devel) version. I'm not sure if it has made it
into the 5.4 versions, even though we use it all the time.

Ken Jones

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