> On a high volume system like yours we could just check for spamassassin
> headers to see if it is marked as spam. That should not add too much extra
> processing since we already read through the email.

That's what I was thinking, and what we already have a lot of users doing.
It's easy to key in on the x-spam-status or x-spam-level and filter the
message accordingly.

> For a small systems where the load is lower (ours is like this) we could
> continue to run spamc/spamd in vdelivermail then check the spam headers
> like
> above.

Wish I could still do that :-) At first when we set up the system it was
neat, but now it just means I have to modify 4 configs for some things
(two inbound MXes, a mailstore box, and an outbound SMTP box). NFS doesn't
entirely help, since we have a lot of users that use us as a frontend for
their own mailservers that we don't directly control.

> Of course, both of these would be configurable options. Probably it would
> be
> best to have them disabled by default.

Easy to add one more --enable-thingamabobber line to the already long
string I use ;-)

I'm liking what I'm hearing with all this new feature discussion. Sounds
like *exactly* what I've been wanting to do, but lacking the time to
properly implement.


Waveform Technology
UNIX Systems Administrator

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