I'll appreciate any pointers regarding my problem. Searching the archives of 
this list, and Googling, haven't helped. If all you do
is point me to better search terms, I'll be happy :-)

Summary: It appears that .qmail-* files are not being processed. I have .qmail 
files with "| preline /path/to/program" and
"&[EMAIL PROTECTED]" in them. Apparently neither is processed.

This problem arose after vpopmail was installed. And, I have another server 
without vpopmail on it, where I do not have this

I have also sent this to the qmail list.

Email to the following addresses (details follow) apparently vaporizes:

In fact, email to any address which should be handled by a .qmail file 
apparently vaporizes. At least, I can't figure out what is
happening to it. Email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] added by vadddomain and vadduser 
get delivered fine. But, I need to have addresses where
email is forwarded based on a .qmail file, or sent to a program based on a 
.qmail file.

It does not matter where the .qmail file is located. Some examples:

Each of the above .qmail files contains "&[EMAIL PROTECTED]" on a single line, 
nothing else in the file.

Each of the above files, and the directory they are in, are owned, 
respectively, by:

with permissions of -rw------- for files, and drwxr-sr-x for the directories.

In control/virtualdomains:

In users/assign

Notes on the domains and users:
naxum.com is handled by vpopmail
[EMAIL PROTECTED] has NOT been created with vadduser.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] has been created with vadduser, and email to [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] is delivered fine
The path for .qmail-achievers is the home directory of the user gonewnetmail
gonewnetmail.com is not handled by vpopmail
nxmserver.com is not handled by vpopmail

Here are log entries for email sent to relevant addresses for the above 

2005-10-30 17:01:14.063604500 new msg 36022
2005-10-30 17:01:14.063607500 info msg 36022: bytes 947 from <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> qp 29077 uid 81
2005-10-30 17:01:14.063608500 starting delivery 59: msg 36022 to local [EMAIL 
2005-10-30 17:01:14.063610500 status: local 1/20 remote 0/400
2005-10-30 17:01:14.069296500 delivery 59: success: 
2005-10-30 17:01:14.069594500 status: local 0/20 remote 0/400
2005-10-30 17:01:14.069596500 end msg 36022
2005-10-30 17:01:14.070010500 new msg 36069
2005-10-30 17:01:14.070012500 info msg 36069: bytes 1039 from <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> qp 29081 uid 708
2005-10-30 17:01:14.070013500 starting delivery 60: msg 36069 to local 
2005-10-30 17:01:14.070014500 status: local 1/20 remote 0/400
2005-10-30 17:01:14.070427500 delivery 60: success:
2005-10-30 17:01:14.070429500 status: local 0/20 remote 0/400
2005-10-30 17:01:14.070430500 end msg 36069

2005-10-30 16:56:45.825027500 new msg 36022
2005-10-30 16:56:45.825030500 info msg 36022: bytes 929 from <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> qp 28984 uid 81
2005-10-30 16:56:45.825031500 starting delivery 42: msg 36022 to local [EMAIL 
2005-10-30 16:56:45.825032500 status: local 1/20 remote 0/400
2005-10-30 16:56:45.828190500 delivery 42: success: 
2005-10-30 16:56:45.828482500 status: local 0/20 remote 0/400
2005-10-30 16:56:45.828484500 end msg 36022
2005-10-30 16:56:45.828897500 new msg 36069
2005-10-30 16:56:45.828899500 info msg 36069: bytes 1020 from <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> qp 28987 uid 89
2005-10-30 16:56:45.828900500 starting delivery 43: msg 36069 to local 
2005-10-30 16:56:45.828901500 status: local 1/20 remote 0/400
2005-10-30 16:56:45.829309500 delivery 43: success:
2005-10-30 16:56:45.829311500 status: local 0/20 remote 0/400
2005-10-30 16:56:45.829312500 end msg 36069

2005-10-30 16:57:13.900139500 new msg 36022
2005-10-30 16:57:13.900141500 info msg 36022: bytes 931 from <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> qp 28990 uid 81
2005-10-30 16:57:13.900143500 starting delivery 44: msg 36022 to local [EMAIL 
2005-10-30 16:57:13.900144500 status: local 1/20 remote 0/400
2005-10-30 16:57:13.903978500 delivery 44: success: 
2005-10-30 16:57:13.904268500 status: local 0/20 remote 0/400
2005-10-30 16:57:13.904270500 end msg 36022
2005-10-30 16:57:13.904686500 new msg 36069
2005-10-30 16:57:13.904688500 info msg 36069: bytes 1021 from <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> qp 28994 uid 80
2005-10-30 16:57:13.904689500 starting delivery 45: msg 36069 to local 
2005-10-30 16:57:13.904691500 status: local 1/20 remote 0/400
2005-10-30 16:57:13.905100500 delivery 45: success:
2005-10-30 16:57:13.905102500 status: local 0/20 remote 0/400
2005-10-30 16:57:13.905103500 end msg 36069

(Note: all mail that should be handled by a .qmail file has similar log entries 
- the delivery success is always followed by an
email from [EMAIL PROTECTED] to @mx2.tafmail.com. That email also appears to 
evaporate. In /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-default

Log entry for email sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (handled by vpopmail)
2005-10-30 18:00:58.592449500 new msg 36069
2005-10-30 18:00:58.592452500 info msg 36069: bytes 923 from <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> qp 30106 uid 81
2005-10-30 18:00:58.592453500 starting delivery 2: msg 36069 to local [EMAIL 
2005-10-30 18:00:58.592455500 status: local 1/20 remote 0/400
2005-10-30 18:00:59.876826500 delivery 2: success: did_0+0+1/
2005-10-30 18:00:59.876829500 status: local 0/20 remote 0/400
2005-10-30 18:00:59.876830500 end msg 36069

Here is the output of qmail-showctl. It should be noted that the queue is on a 
ReiserFS drive, hence the split of 2.

qmail home directory: /var/qmail.
user-ext delimiter: -.
paternalism (in decimal): 2.
silent concurrency limit: 400.
subdirectory split: 2.
user ids: 80, 81, 82, 0, 83, 84, 85, 86.
group ids: 80, 81.

badmailfrom: (Default.) Any MAIL FROM is allowed.

bouncefrom: (Default.) Bounce user name is MAILER-DAEMON.

bouncehost: (Default.) Bounce host name is mx2.tafmail.com.

concurrencylocal: Local concurrency is 20.

concurrencyremote: Remote concurrency is 400.

databytes: (Default.) SMTP DATA limit is 0 bytes.

defaultdomain: (Default.) Default domain name is mx2.tafmail.com.

defaulthost: (Default.) Default host name is mx2.tafmail.com.

doublebouncehost: (Default.) 2B recipient host: mx2.tafmail.com.

doublebounceto: 2B recipient user: bitbucket.

envnoathost: (Default.) Presumed domain name is mx2.tafmail.com.

helohost: (Default.) SMTP client HELO host name is mx2.tafmail.com.

idhost: (Default.) Message-ID host name is mx2.tafmail.com.

localiphost: (Default.) Local IP address becomes mx2.tafmail.com.

Messages for mx2.tafmail.com are delivered locally.

me: My name is mx2.tafmail.com.

percenthack: (Default.) The percent hack is not allowed.

plusdomain: (Default.) Plus domain name is mx2.tafmail.com.

qmqpservers: (Default.) No QMQP servers.

queuelifetime: Message lifetime in the queue is 84600 seconds.

SMTP clients may send messages to recipients at fredandfaye.com.
SMTP clients may send messages to recipients at naxum.com.
SMTP clients may send messages to recipients at mx2.tafmail.com.
SMTP clients may send messages to recipients at tafmail.com.
SMTP clients may send messages to recipients at nxmserver.com.
SMTP clients may send messages to recipients at gonewnetmail.com.

smtpgreeting: (Default.) SMTP greeting: 220 mx2.tafmail.com.

smtproutes: (Default.) No artificial SMTP routes.

timeoutconnect: (Default.) SMTP client connection timeout is 60 seconds.

timeoutremote: (Default.) SMTP client data timeout is 1200 seconds.

timeoutsmtpd: (Default.) SMTP server data timeout is 1200 seconds.

Virtual domain: naxum.com:naxum.com
Virtual domain: fredandfaye.com:fredandfaye.com
Virtual domain: nxmserver.com:alias
Virtual domain: tafmail.com:alias
Virtual domain: gonewnetmail.com:gonewnetmail

rcpthosts.lock: I have no idea what this file does.

virtualdomains.lock: I have no idea what this file does.

locals.lock: I have no idea what this file does.

concurrencyincoming: I have no idea what this file does.

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