On 2006-04-16, at 0822, Rick Widmer wrote:
John Simpson wrote:
i just had a thought- is there a "vchkpw-devel" mailing list that this conversation should be moved to? i suspect that most people on the list aren't interested in these kinds of low-level details- or maybe i'm wrong and people are interested? if so, speak up and let us know what you think. we won't bite unless you ask nicely.


I'm already subscribed... anyone who is interested in following this discussion is welcome there too.

joining as we speak...

| John M. Simpson - KG4ZOW - Programmer At Large |
| http://www.jms1.net/           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |
| Mac OS X proves that it's easier to make UNIX  |
| pretty than it is to make Windows secure.      |

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