Jianbin Xiao wrote:
It's stable.

On 4/8/07, *Egoitz Aurrekoetxea* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Hi all,

    I wanted to know if vpopmail auth module in courier-imap is a stable
    project now... some people have told me you can have problems on
    servers with this... and to use qmail pop but anyway you should
    use it
    as imap server... and this (using it as pop too) don't have to patch
    more things on my qmail sources (you know for qmail pop quota support,
    so Maildir++). So definitely I'm nowadays running vpopmail 5.4.13 and
    courier-imap 4.0.2 and courier-authlib-0.55 this two last with of
    authvchkpw module... so is this then stable?

    Thanks a lot
    Have a nice day

Jianbin Xiao
Thanks a lot Jianbin and should apply any special patch for courier-imap and authvchkpw authdaemon of this to work properly with vpopmail?

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