mlist wrote:

Please try creating a domain with a long name, up around 80-90 characters long. Then try to add a user, delete that user then delete that domain. If it all works, you are in good shape and I'll change the note in INSTALL to say you don't have to do anything special if you are using --disable-many-domains. If you have problems, let me know what happens and I'll figure something out. I expect it will probably work.


I did as you said and I recieved errors. Here is the command I used and the errors returned.

mail:~ # vadddomain
Please enter password for postmaster:
enter password again:
qmail-newu: fatal: bad format in users/assign
vmysql: error creating table 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa_com': Incorrect table name 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa_com'
Error. Failed while attempting to add domain to auth backend
qmail-newu: fatal: bad format in users/assign
Error: no authentication database connection

I'm not sure about that last error if it's refering to mysql database connectivity or not - the database is connected and I can establish authenticated smtp/pop3/imap connections.

I thought I'd try adding another, smaller domain:

mail:~ # vadddomain
Please enter password for postmaster:
enter password again:
qmail-newu: fatal: bad format in users/assign
Error: (vadduser) Domain does not exist

However, the database table is created and the directory is created too. I then tried to delete the domain:

mail:~ # vdeldomain
Error: Domain does not exist

Again, however the table is still in the DB. I'm not sure where to proceed. I'm running SLES10 2.6.16-21. I appreciate the help.

Well I made some slight progress. Turns out that a. . . .com domains was still in my assign file. I deleted it out (along with the dozen or so blank newlines after it) and then was able to add/delete "normal" size domains. I tried again to add that a . . . .com domain and it gave me the same error and proceeded to break adding/deleting "normal" size domains.


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