I just did a fresh install of toaster.

i'm still getting these frustrating smtp auth problems - it's
conflating the first portion of domain, so if for example i have the
user f...@example.com, it tries to auth foo.com@:myip



On 11 Jun 2009, at 13:51, Tren Blackburn wrote:

I apologize if this has already been mentioned but have you tried Bill Shupp's toaster if you're on Linux or Matt Simmerman's toaster if you're on BSD? There's others, but I've used both over the years with no problems. I haven't switched to netqmail 1.06 but I thought it was primarily just a version increment to reflect the change in qmail's license.

But if these have already been suggested and are not viable to you for some reason then please disregard....my 2 cents here is in Canadian... ;)

Regardless I hope you can track down your problem!



From: James Cox <ja...@imaj.es>
To: vchkpw@inter7.com <vchkpw@inter7.com>
Sent: Thu Jun 11 04:47:52 2009
Subject: Re: [vchkpw] smtp auth with chkuser problems

On 10 Jun 2009, at 22:41, James Cox wrote:

Patch in Shupp toaster is taken from Erwin Hoffmann's SMTP-AUTH (http://www.fehcom.de/qmail/smtpauth.html ). qmail 1.0.5 and 1.0.6 should be extremely similar and I wonder if it is worth using 1.0.6.

Weird, i installed the patch with Erwin's smtp-auth, and have ended up with failed auths:

Jun 10 16:39:21 reason vpopmail[7505]: vchkpw-smtp: vpopmail user not found james.es@:

when authing with username "ja...@imaj.es"



throwing this in again - chkuser + krystopf's smtp auth ends up spitting random log stuff into the smtp stream. now i'm seeing simscan messages after turning logging off for chkuser. So somehow either my service scripts or some patch to netqmail has caused errant bleeding of log messages into the smtp stream, which is of course weird and broken.

I tried Erwin's smtp auth (fehcom) thinking this is where the problem lies- but alas, i can't auth at all there.

anyone able to help shed some more light for me?



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