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On 03/01/2011 04:33 AM, Salman Riaz wrote:
> Dear Alessio,
> Its now working fine. I am using courier imap with vpopmail-5.4.33. I
> have also checked the code of maildirquota.c. It majorly depends on
> the recalculating time of quota not on the size (5120 bytes or more)
> of emails. If we reduce this time it will results load in the server.
> It is set as 15 minutes for the optimum load on the server.
> When I have use IMAP then it updates the quota at the same time. When
> I use POP then it updates the quota after 15 minutes. Currently I am
> conducting more tests  to understand the working of this vpopmail.

The reason it updates after 15 minutes is because any process that
looks at the maildirsize file must update it completely if it was
created 15 minutes ago or more.

It sounds like your POP server doesn't support Maildir++.
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    Matt Brookings <m...@inter7.com>       GnuPG Key FAE0672C
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