When trying to reserve a newly created xp image, it is unable to power on.
Going through the logs, I notice a warning of /etc/vcl/winxp_blade.key file
missing.  The instructions on the wiki do not specify this file anywhere and
was curious if it should.  Is there something I missed in imaging this xp

Here is the log:

Warning: Identity file /etc/vcl/winxp_blade.key not accessible: No such file
or directory.
2009-04-07 00:04:46|31614|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2009-04-07 00:04:46
2009-04-07 00:04:58|31614|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2009-04-07 00:04:58
2009-04-07 00:05:10|31614|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2009-04-07 00:05:10
2009-04-07 00:05:22|31614|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2009-04-07 00:05:22
2009-04-07 00:05:34|31614|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2009-04-07 00:05:34
2009-04-07 00:05:46|16674|166:33|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to 0, exit
status: 0
2009-04-07 00:05:46|16674|166:33|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to 0, exit
status: 0
2009-04-07 00:05:46|16674|166:33|new|esx.pm:load(258)|adapter= buslogic
2009-04-07 00:05:46|31614|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2009-04-07 00:05:46
2009-04-07 00:05:46|16674|166:33|new|esx.pm:load(300)|wrote vmxarray to
2009-04-07 00:05:49|16674|166:33|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to 0, exit
status: 0
2009-04-07 00:05:49|16674|166:33|new|esx.pm:load(321)|Registered:
|16674|166:33|new| Register of VM 'windowsxp-bl2' successfully completed
under host esxibl2.preloads.private
2009-04-07 00:05:49|16674|166:33|new|esx.pm:load(330)|Power on command:
/usr/lib/vmware-viperl/apps/vm/vmcontrol.pl --server
'esxibl2.preloads.private' --vmname windowsxp-bl2 --operation poweron
--username vcl --password 'd834jfhd734jgfhf7'
2009-04-07 00:05:58|31614|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2009-04-07 00:05:58
2009-04-07 00:05:59|16674|166:33|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to 0, exit
status: 0
2009-04-07 00:05:59|16674|166:33|new|esx.pm:load(333)|Powered on: VM
'windowsxp-bl2' can't be powered on

|16674|166:33|new| SOAP Fault:
|16674|166:33|new| -----------
|16674|166:33|new| Fault string: The attempted operation cannot be performed
in the current state (Powered Off).
|16674|166:33|new| Fault detail: InvalidPowerState=HASH(0xb46f78c)
2009-04-07 00:06:00|16674|166:33|new|esx.pm:load(349)|deviceinfo->summary:
2009-04-07 00:06:00|16674|166:33|new|esx.pm:load(350)|virtualswitch0:
2009-04-07 00:06:00|16674|166:33|new|esx.pm:load(349)|deviceinfo->summary:
2009-04-07 00:06:00|16674|166:33|new|esx.pm:load(350)|virtualswitch0:
2009-04-07 00:06:00|16674|166:33|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to 0, exit
status: 0
2009-04-07 00:06:10|31614|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2009-04-07 00:06:10

Melba Lopez

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