Yes, very good idea.

On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 9:51 AM, Mark Gardner <> wrote:
> I think that is a great idea Aaron.
> Mark
> On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 9:45 AM, Aaron Coburn <> wrote:
>> Hi, Guys,
>> The web front-end to the VCL has a "testsetup.php" script that tests a 
>> variety of server settings so that the web code is easier to install.
>> I am wondering if there might be interest in building a similar facility 
>> into the vcld -setup script. It seems that many of the questions posed on 
>> this (and the users') list relate to misconfigured networks and/or 
>> provisioning module components. Clearly, the vcld logfile captures all of 
>> this, but even that is often turned over to the list for interpretation. 
>> This could be a sort of 'dry run' image capture.
>> So here is a stab at what might be useful for such a script to check. My 
>> list will be biased heavily in favor of the VMware provisioning modules, 
>> because that's what we use in our installation. And I am assuming that the 
>> output would be something easy to understand.
>> Network:
>> 1. can vcld get an IP address from a vmhost 'short name'
>> 2. can vcld get an IP address from a given computer 'short name'
>> 3. can vcld reach to the running VM(s)
>> 4. can vcld reach to the VM host
>> 5. can vcld transfer a file to/from the vm host
>> 6. if the image library is enabled, is that accessible
>> Computer:
>> 1. is cygwin installed and sshd running (for Windows)
>> 2. can vcld login successfully
>> 3. does the computer have network access
>> 4. do the computer's MAC addresses match what is expected in the database
>> VM Host:
>> 1. can vcld login to the vm host
>> 2. are the paths listed in vmprofile available in the vmhost infrastructure
>> 3. are certain utilities and/or commands available to vcld from inside the 
>> vmhost (i.e. copy virtual disk, create a vm, etc.)
>> etc, etc.
>> Thoughts?
>> Aaron
>> --
>> Aaron Coburn
>> Systems Administrator and Programmer
>> Academic Technology Services, Amherst College
>> (413) 542-5451
> --
> Mark Gardner
> --

Aaron Peeler
Program Manager
Virtual Computing Lab
NC State University

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